Saturday, February 25, 2012

Methods To Speed Up the Shut Down Time In Windows XP

In some cases computers running with Windows XP takes too much time to shutdown and repeatedly annoy users with pop up messages asking if you really want to quit the applications.This problem is mainly due to applications that install services that start at Windows XP boot time and then take a very long time to stop and sometimes time out when Windows is being shut down.
In some cases computers running with Windows XP takes too much time to shutdown and repeatedly annoy users with pop up messages asking if you really want to quit the applications.This problem is mainly due to applications that install services that start at Windows XP boot time and then take a very long time to stop and sometimes time out when Windows is being shut down.
For speeding up your shutdown time in Windows  XP, you need to edit some registry settings as follows:
Step 1:Automatically Ends The Running Tasks
This Windows XP registry setting ends the running task and automatically shutdown the application.
  • Start the Windows XP registry editor by clicking Start, then, Run, and then entering regedit.
  • Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

  • In the right pane,find the key AutoEndTasks and right-click on the key.
  • Select Modify and change the value to 1.
  • Then go to step 2
Step 2:Decrease The Waiting Time To Kill An Application
This registry setting set the time interval for Windows before killing the applications to shutdown the computer.
  • Start the registry editor by clicking Start, then, Run, and then entering regedit.
  • Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • In the right pane,find the key WaitToKillAppTimeout and right-click on the key.
  • Select Modify and change the value to 2000(for 2 sec).
  • Then go to step 3
Step 3:Decrease The Hang Time Of An Application Before Closing
This registry key sets the hang time of the application before closing.
  • Start the registry editor by clicking Start, then, Run, and then entering regedit.
  • Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  •  In the right pane,find the key HangAppTimeout and right-click on the key.
  • Select Modify and change the value to 2000(for 2 sec).
  • Then go to step 4
Step 4: Decrease The Waiting Time To Kill A Service
This registry key sets the time for Windows XP to wait before ending all the running Microsoft services.
  • Start the Windows XP registry editor by clicking Start, then, Run, and then entering regedit.
  • Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • In the right pane,find the key WaitToKillServiceTimeout and right-click on the key.
  • Select Modify and change the value to 2000(for 2 sec).
  • Exit Windows Registry Editor.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Warning: Modifying the Windows registry can cause serious damage to your Windows Operating System.It is better to backup your Windows registry data before making any changes. is not responsible for any changes you may make to your system.

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