Thursday, February 9, 2012

Windows 8 loses its traditional Start button?

      Windows 8 
Microsoft has removed the “Start” menu button from its upcoming Windows 8 OS, news from the consumer preview released earlier this week.

Start Button
If you are a fan of the Start button that has been there with the Windows OS ever since Windows 95, sometimes it looks like Windows 7 might be the last place you can see it. The Start button was one of the primary methods used for people to navigate to computer settings, applications, stored files, and more. Instead, it’s been replaced by a hot spot on the bottom left corner of the screen. However, since the report is about an incomplete version of Windows 8 and not the final version, there’s still a chance that the button hasn’t been removed yet. Perhaps it is now optional instead of mandatory? I guess we’ll find out more when the Consumer Preview of Windows 8 is released in a few months. Do you think you’ll miss the Start button if it ever gets removed?

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